Spirit of Your Biz Activation Session

the spirit of your business chose you out of the 7 billion people on this planet. 

and it wants you to be filthy f*cking rich.

This is a 50 min. session on Zoom with energetics master, psychic channel, reiki healer + business mentor Tiffany Cheung.

Tiffany will communicate as the channel and messenger between the Spirit of Your Business + you, to help you BREAK THROUGH to your next level, limitless potential in your business. *ceiling shattering sound effect*

Tiffany is a clairvoyant and sees and feels energies and visions deeply. She will channel guidance from the Spirit of Your Business that you're meant to hear in this specific moment in your business to collapse time from where you are now-- to your desired reality in power, wealth, and leadership.


$777.00 USD

Due to the digital nature of this product, there will be no refunds.